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Ayurvedic Spring Diet & Lifestyle Tips for May

Updated: May 6, 2023

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is right, medicine is of no need.

Life comes to full bloom in May. The entire atmosphere of May is buzzing and alive with the sounds of birds and insects. Spring flowers of vibrant yellow, white, pink, purple pop up everywhere and fills the air with a sweet perfume, capturing the very essence of new life and the promise of warmer weather to come.

As beautiful as May is, it is also a month that borders between spring and summer which can bring a few challenges. During seasonal transition periods we tend to feel discomfort and are more susceptible to seasonal ailments such as hay fever, headaches and sinuses in spring, skin rashes and inflammation in summer and insomnia, colds and dry skin in winter. This month our body will work hard to adjust to the increasing heat and lingering moisture in the air. According to Ayurveda we can avoid discomforts such as overheating, inflammation, irritation and dehydration by making small modifications in our diets and lifestyle and live in synch with nature.

But first, some basic Ayurvedic principles

One of the basic principle of Ayurveda is to adopt the principle of opposites. I.e. in order to bring balance to the body and mind we have to incorporate foods and lifestyle routine that express the opposite qualities.

In the first weeks of May we are still very much in 'Kapha' season before transiting into the hotter late spring and summer months of 'Pitta' season.

🌿 Kapha’s qualities (spring) are heavy, dense, damp, wet, cold, and static and these same qualities can manifest in our body leaving us feeling a bit heavy and tired. Sinus infections, and colds are also common during this time. We can balance these Kapha qualities by eating foods that are bitter and astringent with a bit of pungency in taste.

🔥 Pitta's qualities (summer) are hot, sharp, intense, penetrating and oily and these same qualities can manifest in our body leaving us feeling overheated, uncomfortable, inflamed, irritated and dehydrated. We can balance these Pitta qualities by eating foods that are more cooling foods that are astringent, bitter and sweet in taste.

In the month of May, we have to balance out the qualities of Kapha, while at the same time paying attention to the rising qualities of Pitta in our body and our environment. We often have conflicting qualities that we have to manage, e.g. kapha is cold but pitta is hot. Can you see why transition periods can be a bit tricky to navigate through?

But don't worry here is a list of easy modifications to your diet and lifestyle to support you this May.

Tip #1 - Consume plenty of green

Now is the time for green juices, big leafy salads and fasting. And I am not saying this to jump on any fad diets. If you have a vegetable garden or you get a chance to see what is growing this time of year - it is not a lot. Bright color / sweet fruits and vegetables requires the hot sun and comes later in summer. Leafy bitter greens such as broccoli, lettuce, kale, cabbage, spinach is what mother nature is producing right now and thus our body will naturally crave for it.

To beat the heat, freshen up your plate with cooling foods like cucumber, avocado, lime and cilantro. Among these, cilantro deserves special mention due to its many healing properties; it is cooling and cleanses the liver, calms down the immune system and clears inflammation. Altogether it is a great herb to reduce an excess of Pitta dosha which we will experience as the days become warmer.

In fact, May is the best month to follow a vegetarian diet. As the weather warms up, heavy fats are not needed as much this time of year. Instead, use the fresh ingredients above to encourage lightness.

Tip #2 - Get a healthy dose of wild greens

You might dread spending your weekends weeding the garden that seemed to have suddenly exploded with dandelions and other wild greens but nibbling the chickweed, violets, lamb's quarters, and dandelion cropping up in your garden is not a bad idea. This is clearly what mother nature is producing this time of year.

Try adding a small handful of wild greens into your salad, you might be pleasantly surprised. Wild foods are often more potent, nutritious and prana building due to their hardy and resilient properties. And to continue with the theme of building prana, sprinkle sprouts on everything. Peas sprout make a vibrant garnish to top salads and have the lightness needed for May. Their light and vivacious nature will elate you.

Tip #3 - Get your lymphatic fluids moving

Exercise can be incredibly supportive in countering the heavy, wet spring season. Physical activity improves circulation, increases heat, and results in a feeling of lightness — all of which help balance kapha qualities.

As the days get longer, get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer and soak up the extra sunlight to replenish vitamin D levels that may be deficient after the long winter. Hiking, biking and strolls around the neighborhood all make great choices to feel vibrant this May. Breaking a light sweat daily gently cleanses your lymphatic system, leaving your skin looking bright and fresh.

Tip #4 - Twist and bend in the morning

Chances are you are up earlier compared to cooler months. Why not make time for exercise or yoga first thing in the morning. It will promote clarity and improved energy this spring. Yoga asana such as forward bends, chest openers, backward bends, sun salutation, warrior I & II can be very supportive asana. Gentle twists in the morning wring out the digestive organs and excess moisture.

If getting on a yoga mat is not your thing that's ok too. Simply sit in a chair and gently rotate in each direction. Exhale as you twist toward the back of the chair. After moving dynamically four times in each direction, grab hold of the back of the chair if you can reach it.

Despite our growing separation from the natural world, we are deeply affected by mother nature. Pay close attention and she will guide you and tell you what you need to do.

Find this blog interesting? Want to learn more about Ayurveda? Get in touch for a free consultation and learn how to live as mother nature intended for us to.

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